Social media

Best workout for men over 40 : scale

Nowadays – when people spend a tremendous time using Internet – especially social media all they can see are gorgeous women and handsome, muscular men.

There are so many of these pictures that obviously lots of us feel some kind of inferiority complex.

If we believe the social media, most people are good looking, happy and rich.
About two weeks ago I had a business meeting with a man whom I didn’t meet before. Usually I check the Facebook profile of the persons before meeting them so I had done the same. He was a handsome, lean man (on his picture).
When we met – in a café – I didn’t recognize him. He was much older than in the picture and plump.

Why is this show off?

A lot of people upload pictures when they were younger or photoshopped the image or both (photoshopped the image when they were young). This is a vicious circle.
If someone can see people boasting he wants to show that he is no less than the others.

How this affects men over 40?

Men over 40 (and in fact women over 40 too) have even harder time because it is a common belief the after 40 people decline in lots of ways. I you watch young, athletic men, your self confidence will drop.

If you compare yourself with others you will always loose because there would be always people better in every aspect. You will be depressed and you’ll have low self-esteem.


Best workout for men over 40 : different mindsetTry to have a different mindset. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday instead.
You should always improve yourself because you haven’t reached your full potential – even if now you think otherwise! And not because you’re worse than other people!

Try to love yourself, no matter what. Start every morning with listening to motivational speeches to boost up your energy.
Get a diary : write down every milestone you want to improve e.g. the current bodyweight, arm or leg girth, the maximum distance you can run etc.
And now you can compare : with your previous results. Try to be better all the time but don’t expect immediate results.
Remember what I keep saying in my previous articles : men over 40 should pay attencion to safe workouts … there is no point training very hard and then an injury would cause you stay idle for a very long time.

You have to be consistent all the time. Each day try to be slightly better than yesterday.

Enjoy your victories

Best workout for men over 40 : Give yourself a giftPeople – in our society – when they reach their goal, instead of being happy about it, they want more and more.
This way they will never be happy.
Let’s say you want to loose weight (10 lbs) then when you reach your goal, instead of saying : “ok, I will loose another 10”, slow down a little bit and try to be happy what you achieved!
Give yourself a reward!
If you want to buy yourself something very much, connect it with your next achievment!


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