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Muscle can be gained over 40 as well.
I know it: I am 54

Men over 40 : bicep traing with resistance band


Many men over 40 face challenges in maintaining optimal physical fitness.

I am here to tell you : there are safe methods to build muscle and lose weight over 40.
I am 53 and I am fit and strong (actually a lot of young men are perplexed how can my body my be more muscular than theirs).

I help men over 40 with blog posts, E-mail coaching, Skype coaching and online courses.

I struggled for years with my weight and I tried different methods and a number of personal trainers.
Then somehow I found Zsolt ‘s web page. He helped me via Skype a lot and interestingly after few month I lost only 13 pounds and I looked much better!
First I didn’t understand why, but Zsolt explained to me, that I lost more fat but at the same time I built muscle as well. Thank you!

David Hernandez, 53 years old

If you are a man over 40 and you are completely healthy, muscular, you don’t have excess fat and you have great stamina, you don’t feel fatigue then sincere congratulations … and I advice you to leave this page because you don’t need my help …

… but if you some of the above is not true for you :

I CAN help you

Why am I confident that I can help you?

best workouts for men over 40 - at age 52

A few words about myself …

My name is Zsolt, I was born in 1970, I am 53 years old and I feel myself healthier, fitter, stronger than I was in my twenties.

Most of my friends,classmates in my primary school look much older than me, they have health and weight problems, and two of them died.

How can this be?
We spend time with everything but with our health. For example watching tv, social networks, gossiping about random people etc.

According to new data from the Centers for Disease Control, only about 23 percent of all U.S. adults get the recommended amount of exercise per week.

Only 23% of the U.S. adults get the recommended amount of exercise

Sadly those few who train train incorrectly: they literally kill their joints and cartilages and they don’t gain too much muscle.

Best workout for men over 40 : sit up
Best workout for men over 40 : abdomen exercise

Common fitness resources often prioritize younger individuals. Or maybe they don’t really focus on young men, but the methods just won’t work well on men above 40.

Compared to younger individuals, the metabolic rate tends to slow down after the age of 30, affecting how our bodies respond to certain foods. 

I have a friend who was about 148 pounds (67 kilograms ) all the time and when he got 30 he gained 37.5 pounds (17 kilograms) in one year and he didn’t change anything in his eating habits.

The same thing goes for the workouts : if I give the same workout for some men in their twenties and for some men over forties (neither group trained much before) and one month later I measure the results, the difference would be huge.

Many men in their twenties can experience significant weight loss and muscle gain…but unfortunately only 4-6 out of 100 would have such results among men over 40. Most of them would lose maximum 2- 4.5 pounds (1-2 kilograms), wouldn’t have much visible change but they would have stiff joints, muscles, fatigue. Most of them would have back, ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder pains, you name it.

I know it, I speak from experience.Previously, I faced challenges like experiencing post-training soreness and reduced mobility. When I was young I could train shortly after having lunch. When I was forty years old I always became sleepy after lunch and I had brain fog.

Best workout for men over 40 - Pull up one handed
Best workout for men over 40 : leg raise

From my childhood I have been obsessed and fascinated with constant good health and long life (Yes, I was a weird boy, I admit 🙂 ).

While other children at my age watched TV and played treasure hunting, I read books about health and sports (those few I found then 🙂 ) and I tried to observe those people who seemed young, healthy for their age, to find out what they have in common.

I am a software engineer, I sit in front of the computer 8-10 hours a day so I needed methods to keep myself fit with relatively minimal spent time.

I have read a TON of books about health, fitness and training methods.

I am a logical person, so I considered every method found, checked them up, tried them, and experimented with them.

If they worked I tried to slightly modify them and improve them to see if they might work even better.

During the years I developed my own very efficient lifestyle.
Many people think I am 10-15 years younger and when I tell them my age, at first they are astonished then immediately ask me about my “secret”.
Motivated by my own experiences, I’ve developed an extensive knowledgebase specifically tailored to men above 40. I aim to provide not only exercise and diet guidance but a comprehensive lifestyle approach.

For example a simple thing as the proper warming up should be done differently by men above 40.

Each exercise is accompanied by detailed instructions to ensure safe execution and minimize the risk of cartilage overload or injury from common mistakes.

I will share “tricks” about gaining mental focus before and during the training.
Tricks – I developed – the help you not to eat so much unhealthy carbohydrate .

Best workout for men over 40 : dips exercise

Online trainings for men over 40

